Do you need guidance and motivation in your journey to a whole and healthy lifestyle?

I’m here to help you!

Hello, I am Esther!

Esther means “star”, and I am a Christian, creative and a registered medical doctor who is passionate about holistic health and wellness.

Having dealt with my own struggles with mental, physical and social health, my aim is to help teach and guide as many persons to becoming the best version of themselves by first taking care of their overall health and wellness. By the help of the Holy Spirit and with my knowledge from experiences and expertise, I want to help others grow in their physical, mental, spiritual and social health.  I truly believe there is a star in each one of us and that we can shine brightly in this dark world!



  • Providing practical, relatable health and wellness talks about relevant topics such hypertension, diabetes, mental health disorders, healthy stress management
  • Let’s talk. Providing free calls/consultations to help guide you in your specific health and wellness journey.
  • I’ll help connect you with the right people and right organizations
  • Based on experience and expertise, I can provide you with practical and achievable steps to reach your goals
  • Providing health and wellness fairs/events(based in Barbados) that promote and encourage holistic healthy lifestyles
  • Includes basic medical checks, interactive activities, medical presentations and healthy refreshments
  • Connecting you with other health and wellness organizations
  • Providing practical, relatable health and wellness talks about relevant topics such hypertension, diabetes, mental health disorders, healthy stress management
  • Available via ZOOM


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Whether you are now starting out or you are struggling to reach your goals, let me help you on your journey!