
10 Ways To Stay Healthy During the Holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year, with the kids jingle belling

And everyone telling you “be of good cheer”…

There’ll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and caroling out in the snow…”

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams

You get the gist, it’s Christmas time! It’s time for festivities, gathering with loved ones, buying gifts and eating lots of food. The holidays are usually when we let ourselves go and just live our best lives, especially with the past couple of years we’ve had, can I get an amen?

I’m all about going big this year too, but as your friendly neighborhood doctor who just wants the best for you and your loved ones, I’m here to share some healthy tips to help us get and stay well this Christmas season.

  • Create a realistic budget for your needs, wants, gifts and entertainment. Try your best to stay below your net income, considering the fact that your next pay check isn’t until the end of January next year. Be financially wise while having fun!
  • Choose the healthier options of food as much as possible. Let’s face it, there are going to be a lot of food options at family gatherings and events but my encouragement to you and me is to choose more of those veggies and less of those fatty foods. Also, try finding healthier alternative recipes to the meals you are used to eating and keep healthy snacks on hand.
  •  Be intentional about connecting with your friends and family; even if virtually. Some of us may be geographically close to family and friends but frankly some of us may be far away. If you have the opportunity to travel and be closer to them, then go for it but if you can’t, plan some virtual gatherings and face chats and share some memories with those you love. P.S. please don’t forget to practice Covid-19 protocols at your social gatherings.
  • Make time to rest and reflect in between the hustle and the bustle. Let’s be honest, this season can actually be a lot more busy and stressful than relaxing as we’d like it to be. But I encourage you to find moments of peace and reflection, whether it be a walk on the beach, journaling, listening to Christmas music, getting a pedicure or unwinding to a Christmas movie marathon.
  • Find creative ways to stay active this Christmas. Besides walking up and down trying to find gifts haha, try having a Christmas dance session while cleaning or do some early morning stretches, drop in a Zumba class with some friends or plan a family hike together.
  • Create healthy boundaries with work. Yeah I said it, learn to say NO and don’t let people cut into your personal time. Many times during this season unnecessary demands are placed on employees, but your mental health is more important than pleasing your boss.
  • Allow yourself to hope again. Many of us dealt with some difficult trials and losses these past couple of years but I want to encourage you to reflect on and lean into the hope we have in Christ and believe that better days are coming. P.S. Go read the Nativity story again, you’ll find lots of hope there.

  • Don’t wait for the New Year; start working on your goals for next year from now. What difficult decisions do you need to make to work towards becoming the person you really want to be? Where do you want to chart your course for next year? A new season and new beginnings are starting now!
  • Look for joy in the little things. I believe it’s so important for us to practice gratitude each day but looking for joy in little moments also helps to make a huge difference to our days. Some days are harder than others, I know. But whether it is watching children play, drinking your favourite hot beverage, dancing and singing Christmas music while driving, sending or receiving a kind message, or appreciating beautiful Christmas decorations, look for joy wherever you can.

  • Lastly, give love this Christmas! Frankly, sis doesn’t have much money to be buying gifts for everyone even though I’d like to…maybe you can relate? But, you can make small donations to charities and find creative ways to give to loved ones, whether it is your undivided time and attention, a handmade personalized card, baked goods, or even thrifted clothing . Give from your heart and I’m sure others will appreciate it.

So which of these healthy tips will you be practicing this Christmas? I truly pray that each and every one of you have a wonderful Christmas overflowing with love, miracles, answered prayers, joy and hope! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God bless you.

Yours truly,

Dr. Esther Trotman (aka Star)