How to Reset and Reorganize Your Life After Disappointment: Part 2
Last month I shared with you a bit of my story, about how I encountered disappointment at the beginning of the year and highlighted ways that it can impact your mind and emotions. I shared a few practical things that we can do to reset and jump back from disappointment but this month I want to go a little deeper on how reorganizing your mindset, relationships, and priorities can help you to move forward victoriously from disappointment and disillusionment.
The past couple of months have really challenged me, emotionally and mentally and I’m still walking and living these steps out practically for myself, but I hope it encourages you. My prayer for you and me, is that this year we would be able to bounce back quickly from disappointment and have joy, peace and hope amid difficult circumstances.

How can we reset and regroup after disappointment?
If we are being honest with ourselves, many times when we aren’t handling life’s curve balls well, it’s because we aren’t spending enough time in God’s presence. We need to be intentional about spending time to seek God and emptying ourselves before Him. He can give us the grace, strength, and wisdom to overcome disappointment in a healthy way.

Organize prayer times and intentional bible study by yourself and with others. Learn to let go of those things outside of your control and prioritize those things in your control. And don’t forget to practice gratitude daily.
It doesn’t make sense pretending that you aren’t angry or sad. Take account of and acknowledge your emotions and why you are feeling them. Am I angry at myself for failing? Do I feel sad that others didn’t meet the unrealistic expectation I placed on them? Am I anxious because I feel out of control? Address the root cause and then work towards healing.

Also, take stock of who is in your inner circle. Are you helping each other spiritually, mentally, or emotionally or are you just hurting each other? What friendships do you need to distance yourself from? Allow yourself to feel but don’t react based on your emotions, mull them over and then be guided accordingly.
As I mentioned in the last blog, disappointment actually hurts us mentally, due to changes in hormones in our brain. But thankfully the same way we can heal in our body, we can heal in our mind. Building back up healthy levels of serotonin and oxytocin can be done through participating in enjoyable hobbies and spending time with loved ones. I’m also an avid believer in Jesus and therapy, so I will always encourage you to connect with a professional therapist to help determine and find solutions for the challenges you are facing (especially if you are struggling to overcome a particular disappointment).

Journal about things that you are grateful for and the positive things that you are looking forward to, despite the negative emotions you currently feeling. Listen to uplifting content and read books that help to encourage you. Currently I’m listening to an audio-book called “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero, which has been a huge eye opening and encouraging resource to identify and overcome unhealthy emotional cycles.
Lastly, I’ve said it time and time again, but I’ll say it again, moving your body is therapeutic and helps both your physical health and your emotional health. Exercising helps to produce some of these feel good hormones we need to get back the healthy balance in our brain. Establish set exercise times throughout your week and incorporate stretching and fun movement. And always make time for rest, your mind, body and soul need it.

I hope these tips were great reminders and encouragement for you. It doesn’t matter how this year has started out for you, you can still make it a victorious, joy filled, goal crushing year and you can overcome any disappointment and difficulty that comes your way. I believe in you, keep going.
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