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Finding Rest in the Midst of the Chaos

Unclench your teeth. Release those fists. Take a deep breath. Relax those shoulders. Be present in this moment. Give God thanks for as many things as you can think of. Rest in His love and promises…

Rest: “The cessation of motion or action of any kind and applicable to any body or being; as rest from labor; rest from mental exertion; rest of body and mind.”

KJV Dictionary

If we are really honest with ourselves, many of us don’t truly know how to rest. I certainly struggled with this for most of my life. I always seemed to have to find something to do to keep myself busy. It’s only in the midst of this global pandemic that I’ve truly learnt how to rest; to really allow my body AND mind to be at peace and be present.

Truth is, we all have A LOT going on around us and even within us but I honestly believe (and scripture shows us) that God never made us to be constantly going all the time. He created us to work hard and REST well, as He did.

“And by the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested (ceased) on the seventh day from all His work He had done.”

Genesis 2:2
My friend, have you been taking time to allow your mind, body and soul to rest? Have you been running on fumes, and struggling with burn out time and time again? Today I want to petition and encourage you to find rest today, even in the midst of the chaos.

Here are a few tips to help you find more rest this year:

  1. Schedule in at least 30 minutes each day to have quiet time with yourself and God. Create a peaceful ambiance for e.g. with relaxing worship music or an audio book, scented candles, no phone or visual stimuli allowed. If your mind drifts to your to do list/anxieties/distractions, jot it down quickly in a book and go back to focusing on your meditation/reflection of scripture or talking to God etc.
  2. Choose one day each week to allow yourself to take a break from work and do enjoyable, self-care activities and hobbies
  3. Plan ahead for vacation time, and give yourself grace. Don’t feel guilty for taking a break!
  4. During stressful times at work, if possible, take a few minutes to separate yourself from the madness by popping in some earphones and listening to some relaxing music or a podcast; try drinking some tea or eating your favourite snack and keep hydrated. Allow yourself to be present in each moment. Try to stop dwelling on the past and longing for the future but be grateful for the now.
  5. Stick to your bedtime as best as possible and aim for 6-8 hrs of sleep each day. And if that isn’t always possible, choose a day to catch up on some sleep.
  6. Avoid caffeinated beverages especially when you are preparing to rest. They increase your heart rate, cause your mind to race, increase anxiety etc.
  7. Lastly and most importantly, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. When you focus on the chaos around you, it leaves you feeling anxious and depressed. But when you focus on Jesus, the one who loves and cares for you the most, it leads to peace and rest. I pray that what ever you are faced with right now that God’s peace would flood over you in this moment.

Please remember that your worth is NOT defined by how much you do but rather who God says you are.

So…what are you going to start implementing this week? What have you been doing to find rest in the midst of these chaotic times?

I hope these few tips help you and that you will indeed find the ultimate rest in God.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Matthew 11:29

Have a wonderful day!

Yours truly,
