She is Woman

She is…

Strength veiled in beauty, not limited to skin.

A vision in whatever she wears,

Makeup or bare-faced, the hat of a professional, of a wife or a mother.

Her strength is immeasurable, immovable,

Bringing a unique approach to life’s situations.


She is…

Love abounding despite her own toils and trials.

She raises her head, determined to give of that element her past lacked.

Love, the life flowing through her veins,

Seeping through her pores,

The essence of all she does.

She is…

The warmth in the depths of her arms,

A comfort, a home, a resting place, a safe refuge.

A treasure chest of secrets,

It has seen days of bitter tears and tears of joys.

The home of all that is kind and rejuvenating.


She is…

Intentionally of word and a unique position,

To educate and inspire the generations below her.

Determined to make better than herself,

To conquer the world before them.

Her platform, a steady foundation.

Her guidance, stable blocks.

She is…

She is woman.

By Liana Hallett (Dental Surgeon, Entrepreneur)

This beautiful poem was written by one of my dear friends, Liana. She wrote this in tribute to the strength of a woman. As we come to the end of May in which we celebrated Mother’s day, she reflects on the complexity of a woman.

This poem doesn’t even begin to unlock the mix of love and grace, with a firm hand of encouragement and wisdom, that you can get from a woman. She is positioned so uniquely to inspire the generations. She aspires to leave a legacy as so many who have gone before her who have allowed her to build her own platform on the foundation of their kindness and strength.

The true essence of sisterhood and womanhood is what she wants her life to look like, a pool of brave feminine beauty, with a high dose of strength and an eye on the people she was made to help.

To all the women who may read this blog, may you be empowered to walk with boldness in your true God-given identity and purpose. I pray that you see yourself as the strong, graceful, beautiful woman that you are. I pray that you realize that you have so much within you to impart to the generations to come.

To all the men reading this, please share this with a woman who has positively impacted your life or to someone who you want to encourage. God bless you.

P.S. Please go follow Liana’s instagram page @pasyonart for powerful, artistic, inspirational content!

“Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)