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Why Invest In Your Health and Wellness

Did you know that this month, September, brings awareness to over 30 health conditions including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Sickle Cell Disease, Prostate Cancer, Suicide Prevention, Alzheimer’s Disease and Ovarian Cancer, just to name a few?

Now, if you’re anything like me, you suck at consistency and commitment when it comes to making healthy lifestyle choices.

However, in the past few months, I’ve been really motivated to keep at it, as I understand more and more the importance of taking care of our body, mind, soul and spirit.

So this month, with all the health awareness going on around us, I want to encourage you to really become aware of your own health and truly invest in you and your loved ones wellness!

I won’t lie, sometimes it feels like we’re fighting an uphill battle with so many things around us trying to steal our peace and joy, break down our immune system, burden our souls and make us throw up our hands in defeat.

But we can’t give up! We have to press on towards the mark of the higher call; walking hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. We have to keep planting the seeds and let God water us and develop us into healthy, beautiful trees.

Yes obstacles will come and at times we may struggle with illnesses out of our control, trust me I know it gets hard sometimes. However, I truly believe we should intentionally and joyfully, by the grace of God, make the best choices for our bodies, minds and souls on a daily basis. 

So today, let’s talk about what’s the point of even eating healthy, exercising, resting and investing time and money into our health and wellness.

Let’s recap that according to the World Health Organization (WHO); health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Whereas, wellness is “an active process of becoming aware of, and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. It is a dynamic process of growth and change.”

Okay… so what’s the big deal? Why do we need to be healthy? Can’t we just live our lives how we please? Why should we even invest in our health and wellness?

To invest is “to devote (one’s time, effort, or energy) to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.”

So, we invest in our health because…

  1. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. It’s the only body you and I have and how you feed it and treat it will result it what it gives back to you.
  2. God wants us to be in good health, as our souls prosper (3 John 1:2).
  3. Taking care of your health and wellness means that you can be around longer for your loved ones and your children and children’s children.
  4. We limit our full potential if we are not in good health. I know from experience that it’s so much more difficult to accomplish responsibilities and help others when I am not mentally and physically well. It’s true what they say “HEALTH IS WEALTH”.
  5. Lastly, we are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. We should be a good example not just spiritually but in all areas of our lives.

Trust me I know you may have questions like “but why does God allow people who take care of themselves to die from diseases like cancer, lupus, and asthma? Why must some die so young? What’s the point of all of it?”

Yeah I have those questions too and I certainly don’t have the answers but I’m learning to trust the sovereignty of God. He doesn’t want any of us to suffer but unfortunately we live in a broken world.

So all we can do is give of our best and trust in our loving God to keep us for our short time here on earth.

Alrighty, so what does investing in your health and wellness look like? A few examples include…

  • Choosing to plan out healthy meals rather than waiting until last minute to eat fast food (which just steals your money and clogs your arteries)
  • Taking time to move your body every day (stretches, going to the gym, swimming, dancing, walking etc.)
  • Going to a counselor to heal properly from a trauma or just to improve your mental health
  • Buying and reading books, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos that will help you to improve your overall health and self as a person
  • Taking supplements daily e.g. multivitamins, vitamin C, cod liver oil, to boost your body’s cellular functioning and promote healthy metabolism.
  • Staying connected with a community who will help to support you in your health and wellness journey
  • Making time to rest and investing in self-care activities and hobbies

So will you take the time, money and effort this month to invest into your health and wellness?

Before you go, check out my free downloadable printable checklists with healthy tips and habits to help you with your spiritual, mental, physical, emotional and financial health! Enjoy!

Yours truly,

Dr. Esther J. Trotman

Download Mental Health Checklist here

Physical Health Checklist

Social/Spiritual Health Checklist

Financial Health Checklist

Healthy Habits Self Assessment