
The Whole & Healthy Lifestyle

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “whole and healthy lifestyle”?

Well, the truth is for some time I thought that there was this place of “perfection” that I must aim to reach. A place where I could finally be in complete good health; that I could be happy all of the time and never struggle with anything lol.

Well, I had to quickly come to the realization, that perfection is not the goal on this side of heaven. We live in a broken and fallen world BUT alas there is hope…

I do have some good news: I truly believe that God wants all of His children to be walking in wholeness and good health. He doesn’t want us walking around with physical, mental and emotional wounds that He came to heal. He wants us to activate our faith daily and walk out that healing daily.

[Faith without works is dead!]

And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague

Mark 5:34

For those who don’t know the story of the woman with the issue of blood, here’s a quick synopsis:

This woman had struggled with abnormal vaginal bleeding for 12 whole years! She spent all of her money on doctors, products etc. trying to find a solution to this problem. She had reached her wits end. (Have you ever been there? I know I have) SO anyways, one day Jesus was in town and she heard about him and saw the crowd following Him.

Something within in her rose up and she probably thought to herself, “I’m tired of living like this!” I’m going to walk in healing and freedom. So, she made those bold actions steps to push through the crowd, and touch the hem of Jesus. She combined her faith and works and experienced healing that day!

What action steps do you need to make today to walk in wholeness?

What opposition do you need to push past?

Which area of your life do you need to apply more faith and do the work to see results? Selah…

Wholeness is the condition of being sound in body, mind and soul. It is being free of wound or injury.

Holistic is defined as dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part.

Merriam Webster Dictionary

According to the World Health Organization, a healthy lifestyle is a way of living that prevents serious disease or dying early. Health is not only just about avoiding disease. It is also about physical, mental and social well-being.  

It incorporates a:

  • healthy and balanced diet,
  • physical fitness,
  • good sleeping patterns,
  • absence of bad habits/addictions,
  • health education,
  • love through social supports and healthy relationships,
  • safe environment and
  • stable emotional life (taken from Simple English Wikipedia)

So, are you living a whole and healthy lifestyle? Are you ready to make the necessary behavioural changes to your life to walk in freedom? Let’s do this!

“The goal was never perfection, the goal was always meant to be wholeness.”

Sarah Jakes Roberts