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Finding a Healthy Balance in Life|| Health & Wellness Series #7

So the truth is balance can be a really difficult thing to find and attain, literally and figuratively.

In this “topsy turvy” world, that is so full of twists and turns and crazy curve balls, it may feel like balance is always so close, yet so far.

I mean what exactly is balance? What should it even look like?

I found many definitions while browsing but I really liked one by Cambridge Dictionary.

It says that “balance is the process of giving several things equal amounts of importance, time, or money so that a situation is successful.” Its synonym is equilibrium.

Balance encompasses investing equal resources into the different aspects of our lives.

It ties back into what God has been teaching me in this season, that we can’t only focus on our physical and mental health but neglect our spiritual, emotional and financial health and vice versa. They are all intertwined and we must take the time to plant seeds, water and till the ground of each soil.

But you may say is that even possible? Can I really reach perfect equilibrium in this life?

The truth is, I don’t think we ever reach perfection on this side of life but I do believe that with God’s help we can aim to reach our best equilibrium, where we have peace and joy and are walking in our God given purpose.

You know for a long time, before I even went to medical school, I felt like I always had to be going going going. I worked hard for my grades, I worked hard in my extra-curricular activities, I worked hard in ministry. I was a go hard or go home girl. Then I went to medical school and became a doctor and it just got worse.

The culture in the medical profession unfortunately nurtured this mentality that you must work long hours and rest very little.

Many times I felt guilty when I took the time to rest. I felt weak when my body kept getting sick from the high stress levels. I became burnt out. Have you ever felt like this?

I recently started a devotional on Youversion that has been very enriching and inspiring. The “Holy Hustle: Embracing a Work-Hard, Rest Well Life” by Chrystal Stine, reminded me of the importance of resting after working hard.

Over the years God has placed me in certain situations where I was forced to rest. Now I have learnt and continue to learn that before I feel my body and mind about to quit, I must take the time to rest, regularly!


What happens when we don’t rest our bodies and our minds or when we don’t get enough sleep?

  • We have difficulty concentrating and remembering things
  • We are more moody and at increased risk for depression and anxiety
  • Our immune systems become weak and are more susceptible to infections
  • Our risk for diabetes and high blood pressure increases
  • Our risk for heart disease and even cancer increases
  • We have poor balance and coordination
  • We have poor skin health
  • We have poor sex drive (for my married friends out there lol)


This is why I’m always talking about creating a healthy sleep pattern in my previous blogs, because sleep is soo important!

But how can we manage our high stress levels to give ourselves a break sometimes?

I’ve read a lot about the 80/20 rule which has really come in handy in my life. The truth is there are many things always trying to get our attention but we can really only focus in and give our best to 20% of those things in a given time period.

So I like to ask myself a few questions…

What is important to you? What are your top priorities? What can you leave for another day?

My top priorities are my relationship with God, my relationship with my friends and family, my purpose (which incorporates my profession and the ministries He calls me to) and my health and wellness.

Who or what is taking time away from your priorities?

Are you taking time to invest in your spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and financial health? Are you taking time to rest?

I encourage you to take 30 minutes each day to just be still, give thanks, spend time with yourself and God before the hectic day and at the end of the day.

Log out of social media regularly and do a detox ever so often.

Participate in an enjoyable hobby or self-care activity at least once per week.

Take time to learn more about saving and investing your money, time and resources.

Don’t just schedule in work and errands into your to-do-list but also schedule in time to rest!

Have a great day everyone and may you walk in wholeness today!

Yours truly,


On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation.” (Genesis 2:2-3)

Also, exciting news!! Please check out my vlog to this blog, “Finding a Healthy Balance in Life: Let’s Talk Self-Care and Rest,” on my Youtube channel Dr. Esther J Trotman!
