Let me start this post with a slight confession... I have kind of neglected my physical health, no wait scratch that, I have neglected my physical health.
For years I worked on my mental, emotional and spiritual health but when it came to my physical health we had this “we speaking today and not speaking tomorrow or not speaking for the next 2-3 years” relationship going on. I had no problem working out (when I finally got there). I would even venture on to say I love working out. The problem for me however came in two forms:

- Eating on time /Eating period
- When I did eat, what I was consuming (i.e. definitely not broccoli and carrots)
I picked up a very nasty habit when I started college. I would be studying and not making time to eat and when I did eat flour was my bestie. My relationship with flour was quick, easy and didn’t require much work so that worked out marvelously for me. The thing is though, some friendships and habits can only go or take you so far.
At the beginning of this year I had some serious stomach pains. If I wasn’t such a gangster, I probably would have cried because I was wrecked with so much pain. Somehow my period triggered something that was not right in my body and those days on my bed caused me to realize my earlier confession which sanctioned me to make a change- a change for the better. Giving my body and I unity in healthier decisions as we now have the same goal- to be healthy, fit and wise. I will share with you three things I learned along the way. Everyone’s situation may be different, so some things may or may not register with you.
Here goes:
Discipline Squares Up Mindset
I am a very disciplined person. Being disciplined was never really a problem for me. From early on however, I identified something about me. If I didn’t like a certain activity or it was too boring, I would tell my mind “ye we ain’t doing that” and discipline would walk right through the door because I did not need it. Allow me to further explain…let’s say I wanted to work out, my mind would automatically go to working out and everything inside of me would align to exercising eventually spilling over to the outside. Discipline could now function because I required it to.

I would have color coded notes, I would invest my money, I would wake up early and I would workout consistently. Now if I tell my mind, “this ain’t for us, I’m good either way”, you know I’m not moving from out of my bed. Discipline had to step in and seriously square up my mind to the reality of the necessity and what I found out, surprisingly, was that it was very easy to do. Especially because I did the same thing with the other health brackets (mental, emotional and spiritual).

The discipline I have is now the one driving the car that carries the vision.
Malissa Craigg
Eat Your Yogurt
I don’t like yogurt. I don’t know if it is the texture or what but I just don’t like yogurt. Remember I talked about mindset previously? Well I changed it. Instead of “I don’t like yogurt” it became “I still don’t like yogurt but it is good for my gut health which makes it good for me so I will eat it.” Now I eat yogurt every week. What I did was add a reminder of my stomach pains along with the vision of health. A mother always tries to get her child/children to eat their veggies because she knows the value of the vegetables versus the crunch of the cookie. Vegetables build you up and helps your system to function in a way that the cookies won’t (not saying you don’t eat a cookie or two…moderation my friends…moderation).

Sometimes we have to do/say/eat the thing that we don’t like that takes us out of our comfort zones in order to reach the greater.
Malissa Craigg
So in saying all of that...eat your yogurt.
Prepare To Learn And Adjust Accordingly
I’m a child of study. I love to learn and my mind consumes knowledge. When I received wellness wisdom from Star Wellness (plug plug) I went on a research rampage and started to gather facts and ideas. Everything out there is not accurate but I filtered through what was for me and my body based on my assessment and along the way, gathered some really delicious, healthier food options. My eating right did not have to be bland and tasteless. Right now, I’m experimenting with some Asian cuisines and flours and I lovvvvveee it. For me, diets don’t work long term but a change in lifestyle eating does wonders.

If you want to make a life-long plan for health, prepare to learn, gather your information and adjust accordingly.
Malissa Craigg
Finding your own path on your health journey may not be easy most days but there was/is a reason why you began the journey in the first place.
Remember your reason on the easy days as well as the difficult ones.

I’m rather enjoying mine because I drafted in someone to keep me accountable and my mother also stepped in (or forced herself in) because every time she sees something unhealthy I hear “waitttt you ain’t suppose to be eating that…you ain’t on a diet?”, that’s how it goes. Also, I would advise anyone to know what works for them. You might not like yogurt or choose to eat it like I did but a protein shake might do the trick for you. KNOW WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!! Finally, don’t cut all your favorites out because that won’t work long term. Moderation and a plan my friends…moderation and a plan is the way to go.
Here endeth today health reading…
Yours truly,
Malissa Craigg
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