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How Journaling Changed My Life

My journey with journaling really started intentionally during my teen years. My spiritual mother at the time blessed me with a small red journal with encouraging scriptures, it was such a special gift to me. As someone who grew up being known as “the quiet one”, being labelled as “too emotional” or being misunderstood, I didn’t realize how much I needed an outlet. I didn’t know how much I really had to say, until I touched pen to paper.

What did I journal about?

I first started scribing by expressing my emotions and thoughts honestly concerning different situations. Then, I found myself using that little red book in quiet times with God through prayer journaling. Being real and open with God became easier for me day by day. I was able to write down scriptures and encouraging revelations from the Word of God to meditate on. I also took the time to document the good things God was doing for me and the challenging moments that felt unbearable.

My journey continued throughout medical school and boi did I have a lot to write. Those 6 years (including internship) were not easy! It challenged my belief systems, negatively impacted my physical, mental and emotional health and forced me to look within. Friends, I completed at least 7 journals over those years, and I continue to journal until this very day. In the moments of writing, I may not have fully understood how it was helping but as I reflect over the years, I realize how all along it was aiding me in my healing journey.

Positive impacts of journaling on my life

The process of journaling:

  1. Allowed me to freely express my big and small emotions without fear of judgement or reproach
  2. Helped me to identify unhealthy patterns in my life that I could then share with a professional counselor. It truly aided (and continues to) with the therapeutic process of counselling
  3. Provided a medium for me to practice gratitude and encourage myself in the Lord. Whether it was writing down scriptures or reflecting on the testimonies of God’s faithfulness and the progress that I’ve made in the right direction
  4. Allowed me to dream, have a vision and plan my goals for the future. It is such a beautiful thing when I look back on the dreams/goals I’ve written down that have come to pass
  5. Helps me to keep praying, hoping and believing for those things I’ve yet to see come to pass
  6. Improved my communication skills gradually by helping me to process my emotions in a safe space and then verbally expressing them with better control
  7. Continues to provide moments for me to practice self-care and have pockets of peace and solitude which are crucial in keeping me sane

I’m truly grateful for every person that has ever gifted me with a journal. Your thoughtful gift was an important key to my healing journey. Thank you.

Whether you are an avid “journaler” or someone who has struggled to start writing, I hope that my story has motivated you to just do the darn thing! You won’t regret it.

Habakkuk 2: 2-3 (NLT)

“Write my answer plainly on tablets,
    so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
This vision is for a future time.
    It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
    for it will surely take place.
    It will not be delayed.

Yours truly,


P.S. If you are looking for some help for where you can start journaling today, our wellness journals provide practical journal prompts to guide you in your journey to spiritual, mental and physical healing. You can purchase our journal on Amazon anywhere in the world here.

We will also be having a quarterly check in next month with customers of our wellness journal to help guide you in using it and to encourage each other along the journey. Register here today.

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