I will be the first to admit that I struggle with consistency in my health and wellness journey, especially when I get stressed and busy.
I may be going strong for a few weeks, exercising 4 days a week, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and making time to rest but then when life gets really busy and I feel overwhelmed and tired, I resort to eating more carbs and sugar, miss my exercise times and opt to just binge watch Netflix. Can you relate?

But alas, there is hope! I’ve been trying much harder to practice what I preach even though this season has been very overwhelming. I want to share a few practical tips which have been helping me to take care of my overall health and wellness during this pandemic:
- Planning is key! Plan and prep your meals, cut up your fruits and vegetables for quick smoothies and meals. Try new healthy recipes you may find online to stay motivated. Keep healthy alternatives in your pantry, limit the temptations.

- Find an accountability partner for e.g. someone to check in with for your fitness journey. Determine to move your body every day, even if it is just stretches or dancing to your favourite playlist. E.g. I’ve been following a 30 day exercise challenge to exercise 15 minutes per day.

- Document your journey and progress. It really helps to take pictures or write out how you’ve been feeling or to celebrate your small wins. Write down your struggles and possible solutions. Encourage yourself and share encouragement with others around you.

I hope these tips help you. What tips would you like to share with others? Comment below!
Also, for many of us right now our countries are in a state of “lockdown/curfew” so we have more time at home and it becomes harder to be more disciplined.
I encourage you to create a daily routine for yourself and try your best to stick to it. Even if you fall off, get back up again, but just keep moving forward.
You can do this! Have a great weekend everyone. Remember to love on yourself as you share love with others this weekend. Blessings!
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