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Taking Care of Your Health (during COVID-19 pandemic)


These are some difficult and scary times we are living in, whether we want to accept it or not. Many of us may be struggling with fear, anxiety, grief, depression and just an uncertainty about the future.

We have all been affected by this novel corona virus pandemic in some form or fashion. Whether you are Christian or not, a front-line or essential worker or not, whether you or young or old, whether you are black or white, this has and will impact and change our lives forever.

It’s okay to feel scared, anxious, sad, numb, confused, and lonely but it’s also okay to feel hopeful, peaceful, reflective and excited about the future. All of your emotions are valid.

I believe what is important during this season is that we spend more time with God and that we check in with our loved ones more often. We need to be honest with ourselves and others and not just go through the motions.

My prayer is that each and every one of us will come out of this with a renewed sense of purpose and passion for life. Many of us will need to heal and recover but I pray that we all come out of this stronger and better for it.

Today I would like to share some practical ways we can take care of our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and even financial health during these times. As I share from my own personal experience and as the Lord leads, I hope that you are encouraged and inspired to take care of your own health.

How can I take care of my Physical Health?

So I’m not just here to repeat what you’ve been hearing all over the news and social media.

We all know we should be practicing social distancing, washing our hands regularly, wearing masks, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces often etc. etc.

I’m here to encourage you to take this time to rest and recuperate. Many of us may have more time on our hands, take this time to sleep more, unwind, reflect and just breathe.

Keep hydrated by drinking lots of water and eating balanced and healthy meals. I know, I know, many of us are probably rationing food and don’t have access to our usual food items but get creative and resourceful, try new simple recipes!

Get your body moving! This is hardest for me because I really dislike exercising but even if it’s just dynamic stretching, dancing or skip rope or swimming, try get in some cardio each day.

Keep taking your vitamins and prescription medications (if you have). Also, don’t be afraid to call your doctor if you are having any physical/medical issues, provisions such as online video consultations may be possible for you.

How can I take care of my Mental and Emotional Health?

This is so important during these times. It is so easy to find ourselves slipping into anxiety and depression and this can also affect our bodies.

Speaking from experience when the anxious thoughts come rushing in, sometimes I may experience chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitations but it’s at these moments I have to pray more, worship more and talk it out with a loved one.

I also encourage you to journal more; write out your thoughts and feelings, your fears and your prayers.

Set daily attainable goals to help maintain a healthy routine and please make sure to incorporate some form of self-care and unwinding time into your daily schedule. Spend time meditating and deep breathing.

Seek professional counselling if you need to as many have become accessible online such as Wings of Grace Counselling or Inkblot Psychological Services.

Stay connected with your loved ones online. Even though we are isolating physically, please, please don’t isolate mentally and emotionally.

Watch encouraging content such as YouTube videos, Netflix series and movies to uplift you. Read positive and motivational books.

How can I take care of my Spiritual Health?

Pray, pray, pray! Spend time talking to the Lord and keep it real with Him. Pray with your family and friends. Plan prayer meetings on Zoom, FB and IG with friends or join in with many others who have started great initiatives.

Get into the word of God! Study and meditate on the scriptures which are life giving and empowering.

Abide in the presence of God with worship and thanksgiving and try listening to more spiritually enriching content like sermons and podcasts.

Keep going to church! Most churches aren’t gathering anymore but many are streaming online so find one to go to, no excuses. It is Easter weekend!

How can I take care of my Financial Health?

This is a really difficult one for many around the world. So many persons are no longer working except for front-line and essential workers. Even if they are working from home, their pay may be less. Many businesses will probably have to close and the world is most likely heading for an economic depression unfortunately.

Yes this is an important time for us to be saving but more than that I believe for those who do have, this is a time we should be giving generously to those who are in need.

Don’t stop giving to the Lord through tithes and offerings. Let the Lord lead you and guide you.

I also encourage you to get creative and innovative to find ways to make money as we go through this season. Learn a new skill or learn a new language.

So… how have you been keeping healthy during this season?

I truly hope you were blessed and encouraged by this blog. I hope that we can all find a nice balance between productivity and relaxation. Please remember you are not alone. We are all in this together.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. I declare health and healing over you and your families in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Yours truly,

Dr. Esther J Trotman (M.B.B.S)

“Praise the LORD, oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.”

(Psalm 103:2-4)

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