Have you ever experienced palpitations, chest pains and SOB, thought you were having a heart attack, went to the doctor and had investigations done, but you were told that you are in perfect health?
What about struggling with a chronic pain such as back pain, abdominal pain or neck pain, yet the doctors just couldn’t find out what was wrong with you?
Has there ever been a time you felt chronic fatigue no matter how much sleep you got or how many vacation days you took? My friend, there is a strong possibility that these ailments may have had a mental or spiritual root cause.

Recently, I had a bout of extreme fatigue/ exhaustion and just feeling generally unwell i.e. just not like myself. I was sleeping 8-9 hrs most days, eating relatively healthy, exercising weekly but yet exhausted, so I thought I might have Covid-19 or something was definitely wrong with my body. However, all of my tests came back normal.
The thing is that I’ve experienced exhaustion from both burnout and depression but it just didn’t feel like that. This chronic fatigue and malaise felt different and one day as I was crying out to God “what is wrong with me Lord?” He simply said “my daughter maybe you need to let go of the worries and frustrations in your heart and mind and come rest in my presence.”
The fact of the matter was that my mind and soul were exhausted from all the things I've been dealing with in the past few months and this manifested into physical symptoms in my body.
While sharing in a meeting with other Christian doctors, they also expressed how relatable my experience was as they also felt this way at some point in time. Have you ever experienced this?

So let’s break this down…
John Hopkins Medicine described the “Mind-Body Connection” as the belief that the causes, development and outcomes of a physical illness are determined from the interaction of psychological, social and biological factors.
Mental health disorders can actually present with psychosomatic symptoms (i.e. involving, or concerned with bodily symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbance) such as pain, fatigue, headaches and even seizure like activity. The most common causes include depression, anxiety and significant traumatic experiences.

Physical health can also affect the mental health, particularly your gut health. Many studies have shown that poor gut health (i.e. the micro-organisms in the gut become off balanced and there is more bad bacteria then good bacteria) is associated with worsening of depression and anxiety and vice versa.
On the other hand, when our soul is crowded with negativity such as fear and anxiety this can lead to illnesses such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, brain dysfunctions and skin disorders like eczema.
Holding on to anger, bitterness and unforgiveness for long periods of time have also been shown to be connected to cancer, arthritis, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, aneurysms and strokes.
Moreover, self-hatred or lack of self-love has been linked to autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
We really can’t avoid the reality of the mind-body-soul connection. It affects us on a daily basis. Therefore, it’s important for us to find practical ways to take care of all areas of our wellness.
Below are few ways to take care of your mind, body and soul. You’ve probably heard me talk about them before but this is your friendly reminder to take care of you.

5 ways you can take care of your mind:
- Assess your mental space often (i.e. think about what you are thinking about. Am I thinking negatively or positively? Why did I react that way? Etc)
- Journaling regularly
- Professional counselling
- Stay connected to a supportive community
- Practice self-care daily (e.g. participating in hobbies that bring you joy)

5 ways you can take care of your body:
- Eat a balanced diet (i.e. carbs, protein, vegetables in healthy proportions)
- Exercise/move your body regularly (at least 150 mins per week)
- Ensure enough sleep (7-8 hrs) and rest per day
- Intentionally work on your gut health (e.g. use of probiotics and more raw fruits and vegetables)
- Take vitamins and supplements (to assist with overall energy levels and immune system)

5 ways you can take care of your soul:
- Spend time daily in the word, praying and in God’s presence
- Don’t neglect quality time with loved ones
- Listen to and watch content that feeds you positive things
- Remove yourself from situations that cause you to compromise your core beliefs
- Practice gratitude daily and find healthy ways to refill (e.g. spa day, time in nature, serving others)
So what are you going to do today, this week or this month to take special care of your mind, body and soul? I pray for healing in every area of your life today. God bless you.
Yours truly,
Dr. Esther J Trotman (aka Star)
Health to You Ministry, Walking in Wholeness Manual
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