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What are you hiding behind your mask? (Real Stories by Real Women #1)


The truth is we all have a story to tell.

We’ve all had trials and difficulties, insecurities and fears. But are they holding you back from your future, because you are suffering in silence? There is freedom and healing in telling your story. 

My story:

“Oh wow you look so different with your mask off.”

Hmm do they really mean “Oh wow you’re hiding some really bad acne under your mask? Or, wow I thought she would be more beautiful.”

The truth is, I’ve been struggling with adult onset acne for 2 years now and it’s been quite frustrating. It was the cherry on top of many other health issues in a season of brokenness and it has been tiring.

At first I thought it was connected to stress during my medical internship and then I thought it was because of certain foods I was eating but recently I now realize it is probably due to a combination of factors including stress (physical and mental), my gut health, food allergens, and hormonal imbalance.

The thing about our skin is that it really displays the health of our gut and hormones. It’s like a show and tell; there are no keeping secrets here!

If you’ve ever had painful inflammatory or hormonal acne you would know that it really messes with your self-confidence. It is one of my biggest insecurities right now but I have to believe that this too shall pass.

Some days I’m so grateful that we have to wear masks to hide the scars, but other days I wonder if these masks are making the issue worse. I’ve tried so hard to eat the right things, and use the right products, maintain a good skin care routine and just improve my overall health but yet this acne seems to be here to stay for now.

What scars are you hiding behind the mask? 

I’ve been tempted to complain and loose heart but God is helping me to change my perspective and be grateful through each season. I’m grateful that this acne was the tip of the iceberg to propel me to improve my overall health. It allows me to relate and connect with others who have the same struggle. Lastly, I’m grateful for the testimony that will come from this.

What are you grateful for in the midst of your painful season?

Many women (and men) struggle with acne at some point in their lifetime, and sometimes it may be connected to or due to an underlying illness (e.g. PCOS). Moreover, many times it can have a deep psychological impact on the person based on the severity of disease.

Acne may be inflammatory or non-inflammatory and affects the skin in the densest areas of sebaceous follicles such as the face, chest and back.

There are various factors that lead to acne development such as excess sebum production, presence of bacteria, inflammation, poor gut health, hormone imbalance and even genetics. The trick is putting a finger on the cause of your acne.

It’s a process of trial and error, spending time with a dermatologist, dietitian, aesthetician, allergist and sometimes investigations need to be done to rule out any underlying causes and to figure out what your skin likes and doesn’t like.

Be patient with yourself, your body and your skin.

Sometimes you may need chemicals and medications to help the process and that’s okay but from my experience it’s best to heal your acne from the inside out.

So far in my journey there are few things that I’ve learnt that are definitely important for healthy skin and improved acne:

  1. Drink A LOT of water
  2. Move your body often to sweat out toxins and improve blood circulation (for better healing)
  3. Avoid inflammatory foods such as: diary, gluten, refined sugar, coffee, alcohol, soy, processed foods, peanuts and industrialized cooking oils (e.g canola and sunflower oil)
  4. Eat more raw and natural foods: fruits, vegetables, anti-inflammatory foods e.g turmeric, berries, beets, garlic
  5. Be intentional about your gut health and balancing hormones
  6. Try using more naturally healing skin products (yes, sometimes we may need chemicals for severe acne, but supplement with more natural products)
  7. Create a skin care routine that works for you (by trial and error)
  8. Lastly, don’t give up!

For those who may be struggling with acne I just want to remind you that you are not defined by your acne. You are beautiful on the inside and out. Your journey may someday help many, so keep at it!

So again I say, be patient with yourself, your body and your skin!

I will leave links to a few wonderful natural skin care lines (in Barbados) below.



BeBlessed Beauty & Wholesaler

Natural Skin Healers Inc

Wholistic Synergy Skin care line

Look out for more real and honest stories from other women with their own health and wellness struggles over the next few weeks. I hope you are encouraged.

Have a wonderful day and may you walk in wholeness today!

Yours truly,


“I will give you back your health and heal your wounds,” says the Lord.

(Jeremiah 30:17)